Welcome to Bodo

Award winning bio-security solutions

We are a leading provider of bio-security solutions to hundreds of farms, agricultural shows, hatcheries, livestock markets and feed mills across the UK and all over the rest of the world.

" Our range of products are all manufactured in house in the UK to provide farm bio-security, and it’s a cause we feel strongly about. "

Award winning bio-security solutions​

Award winning
Bio-security solutions​

Bodo Limited is an expert engineering company specialising in the design and manufacture of industry leading poultry incinerators, burners, egg trolleys, perch tables, hoppers, wheel washers and egg washers.

Engineered with quality materials, our products are tough and long lasting. Not only that but they are also CE Marked and all incinerators are DEFRA approved.

Years Of
0 +
CE Marked
30 years of trading
DEFRA approved
12 months parts guarantee
Manufactured in the UK
Take a look at

Our Wide Range of Products


Designed to operate in locations where there is no mains water


Designed to operate in locations where there is no mains water


Designed to operate in locations where there is no mains water


For heavier concentration of traffic and comes with larger pump

What People Say About Us


We have been using the Bio-Sparge for 10 years. We feel bio-security is an important element that can affect business. So it’s important to disinfect vehicles as they enter the site. We have 30/40 vehicles a day. The Bio-Sparge is a cost effective solution and it’s reassuring to know every vehicle entering the business is safe.
Stuart Biff, Hatcheries Manager
PD Hooks Hatcheries
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