At Bodo Limited we manufacture a wide range of Chicken feeders, Spin feeders, Ad-Lib feeder, Slave Hoppers and Hoppers for Chain feeders.

Why Choose a Bodo Limited Spin Feeder?

  • Provides effective and accurate feed
  • Reliable and low maintenance
  • Both foot mounted and suspended
  • Simple to use
  • Feed distributed to wide area
  • Reduces stress in chickens as there is no flocking to one point
  • Increases bird welfare
  • Variable speeds for wider even coverage
  • Better for stock, staff and profitability

Poultry farmers in the UK are using the BK800 Spin Feeder, as it promotes a uniform growth for raring boiler breeders and prevents stress.

Spin Feeding, as the name suggests, distributes the feed evenly in large circular patterns. This benefits the birds, as they can all instantly access the feed which minimises flocking, bird stress and mortality.

We manufacture chain feeders components, including the slave hopper which introduces the food into the chicken shed and clips onto the chain feeder. This is for feeding high protein supplements or medicated foods.

Why Choose A Bodo Limited Ad-Lib Feeder?

We have a variety of Ad-Lib Feeders that help minimise waste and reduce labour. A covered top ensures the feed is protected from vermin and water.

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Poultry Feeders

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